
Medical Spell Check Dictionaries Support

Below are some frequently asked questions when using the Medical Spelling Dictionaries for Pages and Word. The products should be used as a Medical Spell Check for both Mac Word and Pages.

After you have installed the Medical Spell Check Dictionaries, just type normally and the words that would have been considered as misspelt will no be shown as correct.

Activating the Medical Spell Check Dictionary for Microsoft Mac Word 2011

First, go to the Preferences dialog and select “Spelling and Grammar”. Now follow the below slideshow:

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Activating the Medical Spell Check Dictionary for Microsoft Mac Word 2016

First, go to the Preferences dialog and select “Spelling and Grammar”. Now follow the below slideshow:

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Activating the Medical Spell Check Dictionary for Pages

After installing the dictionary with the installer you will need to restart your Mac.

If you do not want to restart your Mac you can activate the Spelling Checker by performing the following command using Terminal.app :

killall AppleSpell