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Focussu, A Stay Focussed iPhone App Is Now Released…! No more time-wasting…!

contentblocker_logo_no_background_smallPreviously we mentioned that our first iPhone / iPad App called Focussu was being tested, ready for launch. We are now very proud to say it has been released…!


Focussu is a Stay Focussed iPhone App and allows you to avoid wasting time on the Internet when you are using your iPhone or iPad. By blocking time-wasting websites you can focus on whatever task you may be doing. No more being distracted by annoying click-bait websites telling you “10 more great things to do in New York”. Your phone will back under your control again.

Focussu – Stay Focussed iPhone / iPad App

Unlike other Apps that allow you to stay focussed, Focussu is an all-in-one solution. There are no further rolling plans that need to be signed up for. Focussu is a very simple and easy solution to not being to get things done with your iPhone or iPad.

There are three modes:

BBlock all websites with Focusssulock all websites : In this mode Focussu will block all websites from Safari. This allows you to focus on the task at hand without being able to visit any websites. This will force you to focus on one task and one task only.

Block all but allowed websites with Focussu

All websites except those on my allowed list : Block everything apart from websites that you know won’t distract you. This is useful when you need to research something while you are performing a task. You will still be able to use important, useful websites that help you with your task.

Only block websites on your blocked list with FocussuOnly block websites on my blocked list : Only block known time-wasting and distracting websites. This will only block distracting and time-wasting websites that you have have put on your blocked list. This mode is useful if you know there are some websites that you can’t help wasting time on. You can use the rest of the Internet safe in the knowledge that the time-sink websites are blocked.

There is much more information about the App, as well as a host of productivity tips at the Focussu Website : http://www.focussu.com.

To get this App either follow the link below or search for “Focussu” on the App Store. Focussu is the only Stay Focussed iPhone App of it’s type. Get it now to regain your productivity…!


Remove iPhone Distractions, Stay Focussed with Focussu

Remove iPhone Distractions and Time-wasting websites with Focussu

Remove iPhone Distractions and Time-wasting websites with Focussu

Just before everyone disappears off on the Christmas break, we have one more thing we would like to announce.

Focussu is a new app that will be launched in 2016 to allow you to focus on your iPhone. While developing apps, we have found that it is too easy to become distracted while using our smartphones. So, Focussu was born.

Remove iPhone Distractions

Focussu allows you to remove annoying and distracting websites from your iPhone. If you never, ever, see that distracting site you will not be tempted to spend hours looking at cat pictures. Or the top 23 annoyances of New Yorkers. Or 10 child actors who are no longer as cute as they used to be. (Time happens to us all…)

We will be launching this App in 2016. Just in time to make sure your 2016 starts off with you achieving your goals. Want to make sure you hold your New Years resolutions…? Then you need to get Focussu on your iPhone or iPad. Focussu is the only productivity app of its type that doesn’t need extra accounts or send your information across the Internet. Stay secure, stay focussed.

Focussu also decreases the amount of time taken for tasks since you will not be side-tracked by “interesting” websites. No loitering over websites that are there just to suck your productivity dry. Websites that are just there to make you dilly-dally your day away. After you get Focussu it will just be you being efficient and getting things done.

The app, Focussu is in the final stages of testing and is nearly ready to go. To be alerted once Focussu is available, head over to www.focussu.com and enter your email address…!

Focussu will be available for the iPad and iPad Pro.